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  • Catalog of some of the products in stock of Guangnano Technology

    XIMEI Filter's products include astronomical filters, fluorescence filters, biochemical (microplate readers, gel imaging) filters, machine vision filters, ultraviolet bandpass filters, single-channel dichroic mirrors, various high-precision long and short-pass filters, etc. With tens of thousands of products in stock, free trials are available to customers. XIMEI Filters have the following features:
    1. Narrowband filter: accurate wavelength positioning, bandwidth can be narrow to 0.1-0.5nm, high peak transmittance, cut-off depth (OD6 and above), wide cut-off range;
    2. Fluorescence filter: low autofluorescence and high signal-to-noise ratio;
    3. All kinds of interferometric filters: all adopt the coating technology of full hard coating;
    4. Cut-off filter: high transmittance, wide cut-off range and accurate wavelength.

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  • Solar simulation filter

    A solar simulator (also known as an artificial sun) is a type of lighting device that provides near-natural light, and the purpose of a solar simulator is to provide a controllable indoor test equipment under laboratory conditions for testing solar cells, sun visors, plastics, and other materials and devices.

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  • Gel imaging filters

    Gel imaging filters are applied to gel imaging systems to improve the sensitivity of gel imaging systems, reduce noise, and obtain high-quality images.

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  • Astrophotographic filters

    According to the characteristics of the emission line of the celestial target and the emission line of light pollution (see Table 1), the astronomical filter can effectively reduce the influence of harmful light, suppress the background light of the target, improve the contrast and detail of the astronomical photograph, save a lot of time in the shooting process, and obtain better shooting results.

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  • Fluorescent PCR filters

    As a real-time and high-sensitivity PCR technology, fluorescence PCR has important application value in biological science research and medical diagnosis. Among them, the better and more stable the performance of the key element filter, the better the detection effect and stronger stability of the fluorescence PCR instrument.

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